I am in a hotel room in Baltimore with slow wi-fi and a race to run in the morning, so this will be a short post.
We started out the morning with a pancake breakfast for A's homeroom. N was excited to see the girls' school and eat pumpkin pancakes. We enjoyed seeing the girls' teachers again, as well as their lockers and M's homeroom, where the breakfast was held.
Sadly, A wasn't feeling well and came home a little before noon. She has been fighting a stomach thing for a few days. That also meant no soccer practice and no hosting Katie for a sleepover tonight.
I was able to pick up M at school, which is always nice. We stopped at CVS on the way home and bought some presents for her friend's birthday party tomorrow night, and decided to buy 2 brands of candy corns so that we could taste test them at home. (Brach's lost!)
It's a busy weekend of soccer game, ballet, rehearsal x2, book club (ACK – haven't read the book! but girls have), and two birthday parties.
And I am running 13 miles in the morning with my friend Mary, so it's off to bed.