Friday Night Lights

Another busy day for M & A.

This morning, they had their Hanukah party at school. They came home with stories of cookies ("Three cookies, Mommy!") and lots of running around with Jessica, Abigail and Ale.

They got good gifts tonight and last night after we lit the lights: last night was a huge rug that has streets and a whole town on it, and a box of 42 toy cars to use on it (no GM cars, alas); and tonight was a HUGE box of Tinkertoys (boy do those hold up over the years in terms of appeal) and some wooden spelling puzzles. Unsurprisingly, M took to the spelling puzzles immediately and A was all over the Tinkertoys.

So, we had some interesting conversations in the house today. First M saw the cover of my Marie Claire magazine, which has a pregnant Christina Aguilera on it. She said "That woman is pregnant!" Then A asked me how the baby in her belly was going to come out. I decided to take the honest approach and said that either her stomach would be cut open to get the baby out (so hard not to say "babies"), or the baby would come out of her vagina (which made A laugh).  Then she said, "I don’t want to have a baby come out of me. When do I have to have a baby? And I don’t want them to cut my belly." Understandable, coming from a three year-old. I told her she didn’t have to have a baby anytime soon – that she had many years before she would have a baby, if she decided to have one at all.

She then asked me how M & A came out of my belly. I said that they came out through a cut in my stomach. She asked me if I cried when they came out. I said no, but that she and M did. (And that A cried especially loudly).

A *then* asked how Uncle Jon could have built a plane in his house. The plane is too big! I explained that he built it in parts and then took the parts out and put the plane together somewhere else. She wanted to know where. I said, "in a house for planes that’s very big." She said that she didn’t want to go to that house, and that his plane is too fast, but that maybe he’d make another plane for her that would be slower.

We can ask him.

Some shout-outs to the P & B commenters:

Aunt Ann — you are waaaay too kind. I am nowhere near a saint. But I am glad that you get so much enjoyment out of reading the blog. It makes me so happy that you read it every day. You are very far away, and this brings you a little bit closer!

Grandma Dina — we read the Alligator book again tonight! Another home run. We are sorry that you and Ron aren’t here tonight as planned but are hoping that you’ll come tomorrow or next weekend. I hope you’re bringing more books. 🙂

Aunt Darrah — your gifts arrived yesterday. We are waiting to open them with you on Skype or at least on the phone. Thank you!

Teha — thanks for the vote of confidence!

Rachel — where are you? Did you and Sarah get gift #1? Gift #2 is also on its way. I hope you don’t have it already.

Signing off. Tomorrow is an early morning – waiting in line to ensure the girls get back into their music class. Gotta love DC bureaucracy.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Thank you for another enjoyable blog. They’re such fun to read. I wish all of you a wonderful Hanukah. Wish we lived closer, but the blogs bring me beautiful images of you and your lovely family. Give the girls a BIG hug and kiss from their oldest relative.
Lots of love,

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