Friday Night Report

I spent the day with the girls today, which provided lots of good blog commentary.

This morning, after I took them to school, I stayed and helped out with some auction stuff. I had a great vantage point from a second floor classroom that looked out over the playground, and I spent a while watching M & A play, while they couldn't see me. It was fun to see them play with other kids, be independent from each other, yet interact frequently. I asked them later what they were playing, and they told me "Barack Obama". Apparently, to play "Barack Obama" you have to play in the sandbox and "get things ready". Their teacher Alyssa was Michelle.

I also met with M's speech therapist. Therapy will start on Monday. I tried to explain to M tonight that she will have to leave class for 30 minutes every Monday and Friday. She doesn't seem excited about it all, as she is sad to leave what everyone else is doing.

After school, we walked home, had lunch, changed, and went to soccer. The girls have come to the realization that there is a parallel soccer team that meets at the same playground ten minutes after theirs starts, which has 5 girls in it that they know, while their team only has 3. Today they said they wanted to be on the other team, but they were quickly distracted by their coach and that was the end of that.

After soccer, I asked if anyone wanted to come with me to go food shopping. M said yes, A said she wanted to stay at the playground with Imogene. So we split up. Within 2 minutes of coming with me, M was asking repeatedly what I thought A was doing, and whether she could call her. We waited until we were done at Trader Joe's and then called A. M was upset because she asked A repeatedly what A was doing, but A never asked her what she was doing. Sigh. But M and I had a great time together and while she missed A, I don't think she was sad that she came with me.

In the late afternoon, the girls got haircuts. Both Paul and the receptionist commented several times to me that the girls are very, very cute. A spent the whole haircut saying, "This is not fun." Paul said, "Listen, I have to do this all day long!"

We then met Daddy downtown for a Chinese dinner, which the girls loved. They got very silly afterwards. We returned home for bath, and then the girls put on new nightgowns that Imogene bought them for their birthday. They "hid" under the blankets on the couch for about 30 minutes until Daddy go home because they wanted to surprise them with the new nightgowns.

Finally… to bed. Long, busy day!

1 comment

ann says:

It’s interesting that M and A can be so independent of each other and yet so needy to be together. They certainly have different and great personalities. Mom and Dad are doing such a wonderful job of raising two very special girls.
Aunt Ann

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