Friday Roundup

All three of us got haircuts tonight. We all look cute. Well, two of us look cuter than the third.

Paul, who cuts our hair, noted tonight that the girls have very different personalities. Yep.

Tonight at dinner, I asked the girls some questions about the kids in their class. M said, "Emily is in love with Christopher. Well, maybe she's not in love with him, but she likes him. I told Mrs. Haigler that Emily is in love with Christopher, and she said that it is not necessary to love someone in your class. What does 'necessary' mean?"

Just overheard:

M: What is a vowel?

A: A vowel is, well, you ask a question, and the vowel comes to the question.

M asks me every day if I am excited about my new job.

A is catching up in her hula hooping skills, and that's saying something, because M hula hooped for 120 seconds straight the other day.

M & A had a book fair at school today. They were to come with money and could pick out a book. They each took $6. M picked a book called Purplicious which cost $5. She spent the extra dollar on a pencil. A picked a book called The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever and brought home a dollar in change. Not the book I would have picked out, but I made the mistake of laughing when I saw it, so I will be more sensitive next time.

1 comment

Len says:

So are you excited about your new job Gayle? 🙂

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