Friday’s Camp Reports

Here are the Nachas Notes for today:

A: "A enjoyed painting walls this week in our art class.  On Wednesday, during the magic show she always had a big smile and lots of giggles."

M: "M enjoyed a lot melting colorful ice cubes and creating amazing artwork with them.  She also loved the Great Zucchini of course!"

1 comment

Rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
i love your website a lot. my faverote blog was the one when m and a were talking about marriege. the new one of ” Friday’s camp report” is very cute. oh i need to tell you about my camp JLC. That stands for jeff lake camp. well the people there are very weird. one person thought that my parents are drunk! i mean thats so stupid thats like saying that pluto is the sun. we just came back from seeing nana. oh you need to call my dad it’s his birthday.
its 8:47 and im already very tired so is my mom and i think my dad and sarah. we did some other cool things like see legally blond the musical in new york, and going to my favorite resturant in the world! Del frisco’s there bread there is outstanding. did you ever go there with us? well what’s your favorite resturant? love here are some things my family wants to say…. mom. dear aunt gayle the girls are adorable and keep up the website.
sarah. dear aunt gayle hope to catch up miss the girls there adorble and kewp up the blogs
me. thats all and of coarse my dad is busyso love you bye.

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