I am not going to do these entertaining kids justice in this post, but here goes…
N came home from a TSNS open house/playdate today to discover his new underwear. He was VERY excited. He wore underwear all day except during nap/bedtime, and peed on the potty once. (Not sure what happened to the rest of the pee…). Tonight i was asking him what he'd like if I order him some more pairs (trucks? stripes? monsters?), and he said "Can you get iPad and TV underwears?"
He is so proud and excited – it's adorable.
Tonight, he went into M&A's room and then came into my room and said, "Fuck it" I said, "Um, N, what did you just say?" He said, "I said Fuck it." I said "Why did you say that?" He said, "Because it was too bright in that room."
??? Perhaps I've been cursing at the Nats games too loudly.
Finally, tonight I asked A if I should donate her old soccer cleats to the soccer league for their cleat swap. She said yes, that her old ones were incredibly uncomfortable and we have new ones waiting for her. She said, "People think my feet were sweaty, but they were actually crying."
What about me???
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