Funny Stories

Last night, the girls went down pretty late. After a few times going upstairs, we heard M calling out on the monitor. She was very upset but we couldn’t understand what she was saying. So I went up, and she said, "I forgot something I wanted to say to A, and she won’t answer me." I looked over, and A was asleep, which is very unusual for A – she takes a long time to fall asleep. I told M that A was asleep and that she could tell her in the morning. This made M very upset (she was clearly tired too) and she started to cry. I decided to bring her downstairs so she could tell Daddy what she wanted to tell A. Daddy had a good idea: he suggested that M write down what she wanted to say to A, so she could tell her in the morning and wouldn’t be worried that she would forget. So he got out a piece of paper and M told him what she wanted to say: I LOVE YOU. Then we went back upstairs and brought the paper with us. M said that she wanted to sleep with it on her bed so that she wouldn’t lose it.

M woke up in the middle of the night to use the potty, and was very upset because she couldn’t find the paper. Then in the morning, she wanted to find it right away, and tell A that she loves her. Then she wanted to bring the note to school, just in case she forgot what she watned to tell her.

A was pretty much oblivious to the whole thing. The funniest part was that about ten minutes after M went back upstairs, with the note, we heard them both talking! A must have woken up. From what we could tell, M didn’t tell her the important message.

And one funny story about A: Tonight we were reading books on my bed. A said, "It’s fun to sleep in your bed, Mommy. Remember when I threw up? Then I got to sleep in your bed. That was fun. I wish I could throw up again." I said, "A, you know, it really wasn’t fun when you were throwing up – remember how yucky it felt?" She said, "Well, the fun part was when I was throwing up water. I wish I could do that again."

Um, I don’t.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

This blog kept me laughing. M and A are so cute and so funny. Aren’t children wonderful?

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