Future Professions

Thank you to Christina and Mikey for meeting us at the Bethesda pool for swimming lessons today! The girls had a lot of fun with them. A was a little unsure about swimming without her floatie (as the pool requires), but she gradually got more comfortable. Thankfully we had both girls showered before the torrential rain started. We look forward to future lessons with the Scrippses (?).

The girls were talking today about what they want to be when they grow up. Here are their answers:

M: ballerina, builder, baseball player, artist, painter.

A: someone who cuts plants, someone who shows people where they should live when they need a new house.


Debbie says:

I’m surprised that A didn’t say “ballerina!”

Anonymous says:

What a cute blog. The girls are so adorable, and I won’t be surprised if they someday accomplish all they want to do, plus much more.
Aunt Ann

Christina says:

We had so much fun with them and can’t wait to swim with them again!

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