Gardening Saturday

Today A asked if we could go to visit her friend Ian, who said he had something to show her in his basement. (Ummm….). So M, A and I stopped over while we were walking Allie. Of course, A had to change outfits before we went, into a very cute dress. She is going to be such a prima donna as a teenager – I see it now. Ian was very happy to see the girls, and gave A a drawing he had made with a panda on it that said "Hi A". We saw his room and all of his hockey memorabilia and souvenirs. His mom told me that he told her that "I love you"s were exchanged between he and A this week… wow! They are FIVE!

Otherwise, a fun Saturday. Daddy took the girls to ballet, and this afternoon we all worked a bit on the backyard – planted geraniums in the window boxes, hung a new hook for hanging petunias, mulched, and cleared out old stuff. It looks great!

I will post photos of the backyard and some more pics from Spring Break tomorrow. Must go to bed early as I am running the Cherry Blossom 10-miler very early in the AM.

1 comment

a says:

How cute that Ian loves A. I guess A likes Ian too. It reminds me of Alison because boys in her classes always wrote “love letters” to her. She was young too. Ahh, memories! How does M feel about Ian? Your garden must be lovely with all the newly planted flowers? I’m looking forward to the pictures of your garden.
Aunt Ann

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