Gearing Up for The Weekend

We have a very busy weekend coming up – two birthday parties, gymnastics, ballet, and… the circus!

Tomorrow Imogene has the day off and I am going to take the girls for haircuts and maybe for new sandals. We’ve had a lot of fun talking about what we’re going to do this weekend.

M tonight wanted to send an email on my Treo to "everyone in her class" except for two boys. One boy is one she often says she doesnt’ like. The other is a boy I thought she liked. I asked her why she didn’t want to email him. "I thought you liked him, M!" M said, "I do like him, I just don’t want to send him the message. He’s not a bad person."

We’ve been reading lots of books about the circus this week to prepare.

I do a lot of silly things around the girls. They often ask me things like, "Why did you use that voice?" or "Why did you make that face?" I tell them that they have a silly mommy who is always trying to make them laugh. Tonight, A said, "You’re not a silly mommy, you’re a nice mommy."

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