Girls’ Weekend in NY!

It's Sunday night and the girls are en route home from their weekend in NY with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron. By all accounts they had a great time! They packed in a lot of stuff yesterday – ferry ride into the city, dim sum, an exhibit, The King & I, dinner at an Italian restaurant. Today they slept late and went swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's apartment's pool. Then they left to head back to DC. Daddy met them in Delaware for dinner and now they are on their way home. I can't wait to see them and hear about their trip!

Our weekend here wasn't the best. Lucky tweaked his back again and he's in very bad shape. Can't walk at all, lots of crying. He's on meds now after x-rays this morning that confirmed that it wasn't something abdominal. It was a very tough night and a long morning.

The construction in the girls' room has stalled a little thanks to some unfortunate timing. They are picking up again on Tuesday and doing the painting then. Light will be installed then, as well as the hanging chair. Daddy and I went to IKEA today to get some more brackets for the shelf in their room and exchange a bookshelf.

Yesterday we spent a lot of the day at home overseeing the people working on the room. So it wasn't a very exciting weekend here, and with Lucky down it has been hard. We're excited to have the girls back home! 

When I get more detail about the NY weekend, I will share it here!

In the meantime, some N cuteness: he was describing some colors on the paint color wheel, and called them "Stylish Blue", "Grandma Green" and "Fire Yellow". Not sure what Grandma Green looks like!

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