Golden Globe Sunday

What could be better than snuggling in a warm bed with my two (older) cuties and watching the Golden Globes? Nothing. (Except they are downstairs foraging for dessert right now – I hope they come back soon!)

Low-key day today. Lucky got up early for a walk (sigh) and then N got up. Then A. We did almost an hour of Sunday School homework (much of which, it turned out, we didn't have to do). Baths, breakfast, then Sunday School. Then M-D Book Club this afternoon, to which we brought N. He was a big hit and an almost equally big distraction.

A wore a very cute red dress today and M wore a new sweaterdress that Imogene got her for Christmas. N wore a cute shirt/jeans combo.

Not much else to report. Here are some photos of N today and the new carpet in his room. We love it!






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