Golden L

Today I went to NY for 3 hours. Literally. I took a 9AM train to NY, got off the train, crossed the street, went to a meeting at 1, returned to the train station across the street at 2:30, got back on the train at 3, and was back in DC by 5:45. Home at the usual time.

When I got home, M told me to check out her bulletin board at her desk downstairs. I did, and here is what I saw:


She got a Golden L! Why did she get a Golden L? For having her name in her lunchbox. (Yesterday at school, M's lunchbox ended up in the wrong class's bucket. The only way it found its way back to her is because her name was in it. And it was personally delivered by her principal, Ms. Main. We even got a robocall from the school yesterday reminding parents to put their kids' names in their lunchboxes. So M was the gold standard for having her name in her lunchbox, unlike the two other lunchboxes that went errant at lunch yesterday. As M pointed out, I was the one who put her name in her lunchbox. Happy to help.)

Here is the girls' new homework workspace:


Poor little boy has a cold. It has been waking him up a lot at night and at naptime. Poor him (and us).

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