… Gone!!

M's teeth are out! She was SUCH a brave girl today. I am so unbelievably proud of her. She underwent laughing gas, 4 novacaine needles, two "wiggle games" (aka teeth extractions), and recovery with no tears. She's been just so amazing today. She isn't self-conscious of the new gap in her mouth. She decided on her own that she didn't want to go to camp. She was so excited to pick up A at camp and show off her gap and her removed teeth to her counselors and the others at camp. She hasn't complained at all. She's just such a special girl. Mommy, on the other hand, cried at the dentist's office and didn't look when they pulled out the teeth. Here is M post -extraction – one taken by me and one by M:

Mteeth   Mteeth3

Here are the teeth:


Daddy came home from work to take M out for ice cream after we got home, which was a nice trip.

A, meanwhile, had a fun day at camp by all accounts. It was "Water Day," which means they played outside in the sprinklers, and she also got her face painted. Here she is:


M was sad to miss Water Day, but I think she made a mature decision to stay home because she didn't feel 100%.

I went out and bought some birthday presents for friends of the girls who have birthday parties this weekend. M saw them and was very envious of them. I reminded her that the Tooth Fairy may visit tonight, and that the doctor said that kids who get teeth pulled by the doctor get extra special treatment from the Tooth Fairy, so she might have some stuff of her own coming to her.

Tonight we put her teeth into her special Tooth Fairy Pillow (needlepointed by Nana Andrea). And she wrote the Tooth Fairy this note (I did the letters in the second half):


("Can you please put my teeth in a special place. And next time please give me the same presents as Sydney and Hayden.")


Lisa says:

Ah, toothless M is precious. Congrats to her (and mommy!) for getting through a tough day. 🙂

a says:

I, too, am so very proud of M. She was so brave and is such a great sport about the whole thing. She really looks adorable. She will always be beautiful, no matter what. I’m sure the tooth fairy will be very good to M. Love the note she wrote. And, Mommy, you were very brave too. I love all of you.
Hugs and kisses,
Aunt Ann

Len says:

Maybe Mommy should have had her face painted too. Perhaps it would have helped her get through the day. It seemed to work for A. 🙂

Gloria says:

M looks adorable! 🙂 It’s very impressive that she got through the whole experience with no complaints.

Aunt Darrah says:

She looks adorable without her teeth! We can’t wait to see you all this weekend!!

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