Today was a good day at the ballpark! N and I went to a 4PM Nats game against the Phillies. We had lunch beforehand at Silver by the park and then went in to the game over an hour early. Good things that happened:
- We beat the Phillies, and possibly knocked them from the #1 NL spot.
- It was a gorgeous day.
- Since we ate at Silver, we didn’t eat crappy ballpark food.
- We didn’t sit in our assigned seats but instead sat in section 127 (our usual section but we had section 133 today) and moved up very close by the end.
- N got two baseballs, basically just by asking for them by the dugout.
- We got the giveaway – Nats hockey jerseys. They seem sort of chintzy but we are glad we got them.
- We didn’t get a ticket despite parking for many hours in a permit only zone.

THEN on the way home, we decided to restart the license plate game. We reset the board, saw Tennessee, and then twenty seconds later, WE SAW ALASKA. ALASKA. The second hardest state to find. And then, on the way home from the ballpark, we saw ALL OF THESE:
- Utah
- New Mexico
- Arizona
- Michigan
- Tennessee
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- New Jersey
- Georgia
- Florida
That is an incredible haul for one drive home from Nats Park.
Meanwhile, Dad and A have had a good day in LA, going to TriDelt and then a tailgate and then the USC football game and then a hike and now dinner.

Meanwhile, M cohosted a gala tonight and spoke in front of a group, but in Chinese and I have no idea what she said! Here she is with her co-host:

All in all, a good day for the fam!