The girls are officially done with first grade. They were two of only a handful of kids who went to school today. When I dropped them off today, their slightly irritated teachers told them to hang out in the hallway and draw with crayons. Then they saw two movies and went home. Not the most educational day of the year! But it was tacked on because of a snow day, and most kids didn't even go. M got to give her teacher a birthday card because her birthday was yesterday, so that made her happy.
Tonight, the girls have a friend sleeping over – Emily. It is 10:35 and they are making a lot of noise upstairs. I let them watch some tv shows tonight – Trading Spaces: Boys vs Girls and Cake Boss – because it's a work night for me and I didn't have the time to do something more constructive.
Look at these gorgeous photos that a mom from A's class took at the end-of-year party last week.
Those are my beauties.
really beautiful!
Thank you for the beautiful photos of M and A. They are darling. I’m sure they will continue to enjoy their next semester of school as much as they did this one. Congratulations girls!
Aunt Ann
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