Grandma Sandy’s Guest Post

Tomorrow is FINALLY the day we are going to Dutch Wonderland. No strep and the weather prediction is sunny and hot. Perfect for a water park/amusement park. We are leaving early and hoping to have a really fun day.

Grandma Sandy wrote a guest post for the blog, based on the time she spent with M&A this week while Imogene was gone. Here it is…

Grandma Sandy's Guest Post

Here's a list of what we did these past two days:

Made a video consisting separate interviews with the girls wherein they read, played the piano, sang, and told what they cared about.  It runs for 45 minutes.  Of course, we  immediately watched it.

Went outside and blowed bubbles.

Played "doll":  I am a customer in a toy store, owned by M.  After looking at all the toys, I find the perfect one, a beautiful doll, played by A.  She can dance and hold many positions, especially balletic ones.  When bent over, she says, "I love you."  She only  cost $ .01 according to the store's owner.

Snacked a lot: fruit, popcorn, apple juice, yogurt.

Played "Hide the Quarter":  "You're getting hotter, hotter, you're burning…."

Worked on an activity book, colored, punched out clothes for paper  dolls.

Disassembled and then reordered 2 sets of Matrushka dolls.

Gobbled up a dinner of French toast, cantaloupe, kiwi, and ice cream sandwiches.

Even watched some TV (Grandma needed some time to get dressed up for the evening).

Made a series of photos in the computer.  Here's one:


Here is another pic from the visits: 


1 comment

a says:

Grandma Sandy, that is a great blog. So much activity, such fun and good stuff to eat. All of you have fun at Dutch Wonderland.
Aunt Ann

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