
The virus stampeding through our house claimed another victim today: Imogene. She woke up with a fever this morning (and felt awful last night) so we were on our own today! Daddy and I split up the day since we both had work commitments we couldn't miss. In the morning, I took N to my office so that he could enjoy the construction site that I look at every day from my window. We watched the cement mixers and the 2 huge cranes, as well as the many men in hard hats putting up the new building across the street.

Other things N did at my office:

  • Told a few people his name (Nay Nay)
  • Told a few people his age (2 or 3)
  • Repeatedly knocked all the pens off the whiteboard of my next door neighbor
  • Walked into people's offices and then walked out, closing the door behind him.
  • Moved small office objects from one office to another
  • Left apple peels on my office floor and then said "Lucky eat them"
  • Took a large screw from someone's office and then brought it back when I told him to return it
  • Called the cranes "grapes!"

He was absolutely adorable.

This afternoon he came home and took a nap, and then he went with Daddy to pick the girls up at camp. They all then went out for Yogiberry.


I came home from a meeting, took N and Lucky for a long (well, slow, anyway) walk. Then we had a nice dinner at home. Tonight, the girls watched The Parent Trap, and it is striking how much they look like Lindsay Lohan circa 1998. 

Hoepfully, EVERYONE will be recovered by tomorrow so that we can get back to some sort of routine here. This is the last week that the girls will be in camp this summer. There will be a lot of free time at home the next three weeks. I have various errands and excursions planned on the days when I am not working.


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