(This is P&B&B&B post #1111).
M has had an intermittent sore throat for a few days. She keeps asking us to get her a throat culture. (!) So this morning I took her to the doctor for a throat culture. Negative – no strep. I think it's so funny that she was the one hounding us, not the other way around. She just has a cold.
We dropped A off at school en route to the doctor. A got out of the car alone today, instead of with M as usual, and headed off up the stairs to where her class meets to go on. M looked after her, and sighed, and then said, "She's getting so grown up."
Today was also M's first day of baseball. She's the only girl on the team, and she caught a lot of balls today! So exciting. She has a glove and everything.
[Update: I emailed the coach tonight, and here is what he said: "I thought Maddie was great. She played hard and held her own. I'm pleased she's on our team. I've seen a lot of weaker players at this stage than Maddie, so if that was her first time out, there's nothing to worry about."]
The girls have settled on the following Halloween costumes (for now):
So exciting for Maddie! Mikey and I are happy to throw the ball around with her and show her some pointers. 🙂
I hope M gets over her cold quickly. The costumes are so cute. I felt A would pick the angel costume and M the other. By golly, we’re getting close to Halloween.
Aunt Ann
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