Greetings From South Carolina

This is my first post from our trip to South Carolina, but it's our third night here.

Our drive down was arduous for a number of reasons. First, it was very, very long. Second, and worse, N threw up three times en route. Big time, projectile, liquidy pukes that came on with no warning. That meant pulling over three times and cleaning him up and changing clothes. Well, ok, maybe two times, and we let him languish the third time until we got here. (Awful!)

And the weather has been pretty bad since we got here – cool and rainy.

On the upside, the Kiawah resort is great. There is a ton to do – swimming pools, beach, bikes, activities. The condo is really nice and we have lots of space. N is sleeping in our bathroom but he's doing fine. Today we went into Charleston and saw a beautiful old restored home and went to the slave museum, which was quite powerful. The town of Charleston is lovely. And Kiawah is also lovely. I just wish the weather were better!

We're hoping to rent bikes tomorrow if the weather holds. Everyone bikes around here. And the resort has a low-key, casual vibe that really appeals to us. Not too fancy.

The wifi is too slow here to update photos, so I will do it when I get home!


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