Guitar and Flute

Today the girls brought home their instruments from Levine Camp and practiced them at home. A likes putting her flute together and M can strum 3 chords on the guitar. It was really cute seeing them come out of camp carrying the instrument cases.

N is getting bigger and bigger. He has several chins now. :)  Not the best look!!

Here he is sitting in his nap nanny, which he LOVES. I am trying to replicate the slope of the nap nanny in his crib by elevating one side of the mattress, like we used to do for A when she had reflux.


The girls are patient with me when I am short with them, such as when N is crying and they need something, or when I am inaccessible because I am nursing.

And another big milestone for me today. Last October, I was en route back to work from picking up my number for the Army Ten Miler when I found out that I was pregnant. I never ran the race, and I never ran again after the last training run I had done. Well, today I put my running shoes on for the first time since then, fired up the iPod Shuffle, and went running. It was a short one – I tried to run 3 and ended up walking most of the last 1.5. Plus it was very hot. But it's a start! Army Ten Miler 2012 – here I come.

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