New School Year

Tomorrow is the open house for M and A’s new class. They will be Leapfrogs, and they will be in school M, W and F mornings. We will meet their new teachers and see their new classroom. Good news: all of the kids from their class last year will be in their class this year, plus a few new ones (including a set of b/g twins that was in their room this summer at camp). Secretly, I think that one reason that the school kept the class together is that as parents, we were relatively docile and didn’t make many waves. I heard of other classes where there were "problem parents" that started emails chains about topics like the school serving too many sugary snacks and not giving parents enough notice of field trips. I think that as a group, we were all too shell-shocked about having our kids in school for the first time to notice what was going on. Other than one boy and one girl, all of the kids in M & A’s class are first or only children.

M just had a tantrum upstairs in her bed. Daddy had to go and take her "to the attic" to calm her down, which he miraculously managed to do. While M was crying, A kept looking at me and saying things like, "M, it’s not fair to me when you cry" and "Look at my big smile" and "I didn’t do anything wrong."

Not that there are any comparisons going on or anything.

Oh, and M asked me tonight if "butt crack" was a bad word or if she could say it. I said it depended on who she asked. Daddy and I have a difference of opinion on that one.

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