Gymnastics Pics

Another busy weekend. Gymnastics on Saturday morning with special guest Buppie, lunch with Aidan and Laurie, a playdate on Saturday afternoon with a set of twins from M&A’s class, some babysitting from Buppie on Saturday night, errands this morning, and (old) Aidan’s birthday party this afternoon, capped off by dinner with Frank and Peyton and Addie and Sam afterwards. Wow – lots of friends and lots of play.

A’s ballet obsession continues. She wants to wear her tutu dress at all times – upon waking up, after nap, before bed, etc. We finally had to tell her that she can’t wear it at the dinner table. If I can’t machine wash it, then she can’t wear it around food.

Girls were generally in great moods, minus a few touchy spots with A. Luckily, A’s sneezing has basically stopped so hopefully we have staved off a cold.

I skipped blogging yesterday and as a result, I can’t remember anything pithy or funny that they said yesterday. This is why I have to blog every day – my memory just isn’t what it used to be!

Must share this email "exchange" between M and Elmo that I *might* have helped facilitate a bit:

—–Original Message—–
From: Gayle
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 10:02 AM
To: Gayle
Subject: RE: To Elmo, from Maddie

To Elmo:

I love you.


Love, maddie

—–Original Message—–

From:       Gayle

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 09:59 AM Eastern Standard Time

To:  Gayle

Subject:    RE: To Elmo, from Maddie

Hi Maddie! I miss you. What are you doing?


—–Original Message—–

From:       Gayle

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 08:09 PM Eastern Standard Time

To:  Gayle

Subject:    To Elmo, from Maddie




Finally, here are some photos from gymnastics yesterday – thank you Buppie! (And thank you for re-sizing them – much better!

Gymnastics1 Gymnastics2 Gymnastics3

Gymnastics7 Gymnastics6 Gymnastics4

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Enjoyed M’s exchanged with Elmo. So cute. The photos are wonderful.
The girls seem to love gymnastics. Thanks for all of it.

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