Halloween 2015

Happy Halloween! We had a fun day yesterday. A had a soccer game in the late morning and unfortunately got hurt near the end when she got hit by a ball. She's better now but still limping a little, which put a damper on T or T'ing last night. We went to see Nana and Grampy after her game and they gave her a lot of TLC.

We had an early dinner at the Aladjems' and then headed out for T or T'ing. We quickly lost Daddy and N in the chaos of Rittenhouse Street. They spent about an hour there and then headed home. We took a meandering route into the less crowded side streets off of Utah. It had mixed results as a lot of people weren't home. We then took an even more meandering route to Annelise's house, and then everyone was tired and wanted to head home. 

Thank you to Grandma Sandy and Stu, who stayed here and handed out candy.

Here are some pics from the day:

N's laughing face and DC skyline pumpkin:



Pumpkin jail and pig pumpkin:






Pumpkin eating other pumpkin:



Early trick or treating:


Three Little Pigs, Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood:


+ little brothers:



Candy counting and trading with Annelise:



I have some more pictures from Grandma which I will share tomorrow. Trying to go to bed soon but Game 5 just went into extra innings!



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