Halloween Parade

Today was the Halloween Parade at Lafayette. I took a bunch of pictures which I will upload tomorrow. It was ADORABLE. The classes started off at their classrooms, then marched in front of the school, then walked through the playground to the track, and then did two laps around the track. The pre-Kers went first, then the Ks, up to 5th grade. All of the kids looked great, and it was fun to see all the costumes. M&A looked particularly cute. I had a great time. I ran into Buppie on my way to Lafayette (we passed each other on the street) so she joined me. Adrian Fenty was there, and Buppie told him he had a very good mayor costume on.

Then the girls had a party at their class, and got out of school at 12:15. They had two playdates this afternoon – one with Hannah and one with Charlotte.

Our evening wasn't as fun – four hour wait at Wilson High School for H1N1 shots. They ended up getting the mist (aka snort up the snoot), and it was painless, minus the four hours of standing and waiting. I am beat.

FInally, an update on A and Star of the Week. Today she brought an animal (fluffy bear); a styrofoam spider she made at CASA this summer; and her Nutcracker. Apparently they were all well-received. I feel bad that she only got 2 days of being Star of the Week. M was envious that A went this week and can't wait the two weeks before it is her turn.

One funny thing – the girls were told that they could not bring any pretend weapons to school with their costumes – anything that is used to hurt people. A has a plastic megaphone that came with her costume. She said she didn't want to bring it to school today because of the ban on toy weapons. I reminded her that the weapon has to be something that can hurt someone, and M said, "A megaphone can hurt my ears!"

I am too tired to write any more, or even to spell check.

1 comment

a says:

I enjoyed this very descriptive blog, and I can only imagine how tired Mommy must have become. This was a VERY busy day for all of you. I’m glad the day at school was fun for all. And I’m also glad that the girls got the Swine flu medicine (up their noses). You have two wonderful daughters, and you are doing a terrific job raising them. M and A are very lucky to have the parents they have.
Aunt Ann

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