Halloween Weekend By The Numbers

Is it already time for another Weekend By The Numbers post?

Halloween Special Edition

Pumpkins carved this weekend: 4 (spider, Dorothy, M, ghost)

Hours spent by the girls in ballet rehearsal or class: 3

Pieces of candy collected today: countless

Favorite item received, judging by reaction: Goldfish (!)

Adorable needlepoint pillows made by M and finished by Andrea – 1

Trick or treaters at our house tonight: under 10 ?

Special guest trick-or-treater chaperone: Imogene

Held down the home front: Grandma Sandy

Some pictures…


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Daddy's Dorothy pumpkin:

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M's M:

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My ghost:

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A's spider:

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The family of pumpkins:
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The two Dorothys:

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The 2 Ms:

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Julia, Lucy, Rosie, A and M, comparing their hauls at Mary's house:

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That's Catherine under there:

Halloween 033 

1 comment

a says:

Wow! Your pumpkins are wonderful. Good job! M and A look adorable, and I’m sure they had a great time “trick or treating”.
Aunt Ann

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