Hanukah Catch-Up

It is the Friday before Christmas and the girls and I are hanging out having a very relaxing time together in my room, listening to Radio Disney. M is making friendship bracelets for the snow angels in her cast, and A is making pipe cleaner creatures from a book she got for Hanukah:


She got it last night from us and said that it "interested her a lot". It was the first thing she wanted to do when she woke up this morning. She has made the following: grape, bumblebee, carrot, inchworm, caterpillar, chick (my favorite), banana, red pepper, bracelet, tulip, mouse, lobster and penguin. Right now she is making a dog.

It has been a mellow, vacation-like day here. The girls had a playdate this morning with their friend Charlotte and then we went to the library and found DVDs for our upcoming trip to San Diego.

M has made 7 bracelets so far for her cast – 3 more to go. Tomorrow is the last Nutcracker – so sad!! I am really sad that it's over.

Yesterday the girls were also home. They had a playdate and then came home to find that I had assembled this Hanukah present:

It's an Air Swimmer! It's very cool. We named him Bubbles. He is inflated with helium and controlled by remote control. He's about 5 feet long. Lucky is not a fan.

The girls also opened Electronic Battleship (we played once against the computer and lost), the Game of Life, and a yarn kit for M.

Grandma Sandy had us over last night for Hanukah, along with some of her cousins from Detroit and Chicago. It was fun and yummy. The girls played a lot of dreidel.

OK, signing off to go walk Lucky and pack up the girls' overnight bags – they are sleeping at Grandma Sandy's house. Daddy and I are going to see a movie.

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