Hanukah Promises

At Sunday School, the girls made some promises of things they will do this year. A wrote ones for the whole family, and M wrote one just for A. I scanned them at work today, although somehow M's never made it into my purse (I think that A was looking at it this morning) so I will add it later. Here are A's Hanukah promises, as well as a Hanukah card that she wrote:


Dear Maddie, I will not tickle you anymore. Love Alexa

Dear Mom, I will not bug you when you are trying to sleep. Love Alexa

Dear Lucky, I will let you win Who Gets the Monkey. Love Alexa

Dear Dad, I will not destroy your blackberry. Love Alexa

We light the lights for the first night of Hanukah last night. Gifts received: M&A: Rummikub; M: Orange Crocs; A: (from M) Slushee Maker and Beagle Daily Calendar; Mommy: hand cream; Daddy: running watch.

Tonight we will stop by a Hanukah open house at the girls' friend Abigail's house. Today was M's class party and she served Grandma's latkes (A served them yesterday at her party and they were a huge hit, especially among the teachers). Both girls did their latke presentations as well.

Happy Hanukah!

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