Happy 11 Months Old!

The little boy is 11 months old!! What a cutie. He is extremely busy and active and LOVES to explore. He's still crawling arond a lot but more of the time he stands up and is almost walking. He loves his push toys and also cruises around the furniture or holds on to our legs. He walked a few steps on Tuesday on his own.

N is sick of eating baby food, which is too bad because we still have a lot of it in the freezer. He much prefers finger foods, and here are some of his favorites: mozzarella cheese, turkey, pasta, melon, pear, rice, Cheerios, and scrambled egg. He still has formula about 4 times a day.

N is wearing 18-month clothes. He has slimmed down a little but he is still very tall.

He's a great sleeper. Usually 12+ hours at night, and then 2 hours during the day, usually split into two naps. He only wakes up during the night every now and then.

Here are more of N's favorite things: his sisters, his dog, his nanny, the bath, the little white plastic cap on the screw at the bottom of the toilet, his push toys, the letters N A T E on his wall, the blue bunny in his crib, being outside at the park, when we open the shade in his room in the morning.

Here are some things N doesn't like: having food wiped off his face, being changed on the changing table, loud noises, soft books.

Here are some things N likes to do that he shouldn't do: eat Lucky's dog food and splash around in his water, grab soil from the ficus pot and spread it all over himself and the floor, put the white toilet screw cap in his mouth, pull toilet paper from the roll, put his hands in the toilet, climb on the dishwasher door, reach into the kitchen trash, pull condiments off the door of the fridge, squirm sideways during a diaper change, pull out crafts and pencils from the girls' art cart, push buttons for "cash back" on the grocery store checkout key pad (thanks for the $60, N!) and pull out all of the DVDs from the entertainment console.

Happy 11th month birthday! We love you so very much.

Oh, and did I mention that he doesn't like to sit for photos much anymore??




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