Happy 13th Birthday Allie!

I am having trouble getting into the swing of blogging again since vacation, it seems. I keep missing days. Mostly it's because I keep falling asleep on the couch. Will try to post more frequently!!

Today is a special day – it is Allie's 13th birthday. Yes, our favorite little basenji is hitting the big leagues. In some ways it has been a tough year for Allie. She has been put on special meds to boost her liver function, which seems to be abnormal, though the vet doesn't know why. Then, over the last few months, she started peeing a lot more (and waking up VERY early every day), begging aggressively for food, and, the final insult, losing all of her hair. She was diagnosed with Cushing's Disease, which luckily isn't that serious and is easy to treat. She's been on new meds for about a week now and I'm already seeing some improvement. She also is taking a double dose of her thryoid supplement, and that seems to have helped with her hair. So while she has more issues than she used to, she's still a pretty healthy dog. And damn cute too.

After work today, I went to a pet store near my office and got Allie a bunch of treats. Because it is her birthday, I also got some free ice cream for her, which she loved. (I can promise that she will throw up all of the treats and ice cream if not in the house tonight, then on her walk tomorrow.) I also hope to take her for a nice long walk in the park this weekend. Right now, Allie is curled up next to me on the couch, asleep, her favorite place.

Here are some videos of the girls and me giving Allie the ice cream tonight. Videographer = M, so please excuse the jerkiness and lack of attention to the star of the videos.

Tomorrow is Friday, the day we meet the girls' teacher and see their classroom! We are very excited.

1 comment

Kristen says:

Happy Birthday Allie Dog! M sounded a bit like Marilyn Monroe at the end – so cute 🙂

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