Happy 18 Months to N!!!

The little boy turned 18 months old today!

He's the cutest thing ever. Here are his latest tricks:

  • Leading us to the cabinet to get him jelly beans (but he only wants the orange ones)
  • Opening and closing doors (and saying "door")
  • Reading books, books, books, and more books (see pic below)
  • Adoring his big sisters, who crack him up all the time. M is still "MAMEEEE" and A is "MAMEEEE" too.
  • Cuddling with and feeding Elmo. Yesterday we found Elmo on his highchair tray with a mouth full of peas.
  • Understanding a lot of words. If I say, "Take this banana to Daddy" he will do it.
  • Putting things back and keeping them neat. When we go to classes at Kidville he is great at cleanup.
  • Snuggling up to read books.
  • Shaking his head no when he doesn't like things, or putting his hand out to say "no".
  • Sitting at the kitchen chair to eat and climbing up into his high chair.
  • Taking your hand and pulling you upstairs when he's ready for bed.
  • Climbing up the ladder to A's top bunk.

He's jsut so much fun to be around.

In other news…

Today we had our first snow of the season. We took the kids out to experience it. Pics below.

And the girls had a performance tonight for the Girl Scouts. According to M&A, as well as a whole bunch of soldiers coming out at intermission, they didn't clap at all. Not even during the barn door.





Daddy reading to N:


Snow with vanilla and sugar:


And I made a collage:

First snow

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