Happy 4th!

We've had a two-day Fourth of July extravaganza celebration, which included:

  • two sets of fireworks – the ones on the Mall tonight, which we watched from Daddy's office with Addie and her parents, and the ones at the Chevy Chase Club, which Daddy, M & A watched from Lolly's house (I had to leave to go to another party);
  • a fun party at Lolly's house, but M&A's parents didn't bring their bathing suits so the girls didn't get to swim;
  • the Macarthur Boulevard parade, which we go to every year, and which was fun again this year. Buppie came, and we met Sydney and her parents there;
  • enough candy from the parade to fill two large ziploc bags – even more than Halloween;
  • lots of yummy treats after the parade: watermelon, lemonade, ice cream, and bits of funnel cake and hot dogs;
  • and plenty of downtime to hang around at home, do puzzles, play the piano, and draw pictures.

Our camera died the second we got to the parade, but Buppie took lots of great photos:

IMG_0685 IMG_0697 IMG_0698 IMG_0712 IMG_0732 IMG_0741  IMG_0743 IMG_0746 IMG_0747 IMG_0748

1 comment

a says:

Fourth of July is always a great celebration. M and A had lots of fun and goodies to eat. The photos are wonderful. Thank you, Buppie, for those great pictures.
Aunt Ann

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