Happy 6 Months Old!

Nate is 6 months old today! What a cutie!!! We are so proud of him. Here is what he's doing these days:

  • Sleeping through the night. Last night – 7:15 til 7, then up til 8, then back to sleep til 9:30. He sometimes wakes up if he hears the girls or for some other reason, but he always goes back to sleep pretty soon.
  • Eating solids! He had his first non-cereal today – pureed banana. He seemed to enjoy it.
  • Rolling over. In the last week he has started doing it more frequently. Still only back to front.
  • Reaching for things – his bottle, toys, my hair. He loves to grab things and usually puts them in his mouth.
  • Jumping. He LOVES the doorway jumper. He can spend 30 minutes there at a time – jumping, laughing.
  • Watching Lucky and the girls. He adores them and everything they do.
  • Not crying. He barely cries! Maybe once or twice a day, and not for long.
  • Smiling! What a smiler.
  • Going for walks. He loves being outside and looking around.

We adore our little N and are so happy he's here.

In other news…

We had a pretty mellow day. I did gift wrapping at Politics and Prose again today, which I love doing. While I was there, the girls hung out with Daddy and did some online shopping. Then I got home and we rearranged N's room so that his crib is now along the outer wall instead of the inner wall, in the hopes that he won't wake up when the girls go upstairs. No one is happy with the arrangement but it might work out better.

After that we went to Lafayette playground. M ran a mile on the track; A played on the 1st grade playground, and then we started to walk to the K playground (girls wanted to go there) and ran into Clarke, Julius, Finn and Alida. We hung out with them for about an hour, which was fun (until A started crying because M hit her in the face with a basketball). We cheered her up with some ice cream at BBM.

We had a really fun night. The girls played Wii – Sports Resort and Just Dance III for a few hours, which was great. We had dinner – homemade chicken nuggets! – and then lit the Chanukah candles. Here's what we got tonight: M &A got customized M&Ms with their names on them (and N's name too), A got a sound effect machine – more on that later, because it's hilarious – and M got two bottles of the body wash she has asked me for every week for a month. Daddy got a book from me and I got new mukluks from him.

Performance tomorrow!