Happy 6th Birthday!!!

The girls are 6 today!! Yay!!!

I always take pictures of the girls waking up on their birthday, and I did today, but I haven't uploaded them yet, so I can't post them today. But I will.

The girls had a great birthday. They got up, headed to school, and were met by 18 classmates who wanted to hug them. They got to wear crowns, and then the morning announcements were "sponsored by the Feldman family" in honor of M & A's birthday. It was so much fun to hear the announcements with them. Then they got in the middle of the circle and their whole class sang happy birthday to them. What a great way to start out the day!

I worked from home today, and spent much of the afternoon baking, frosting and decorating cupcakes. I ended up making the cupcake cake AND the slumber party cupcakes from the Hello Cupcake cookbook. I had no idea the slumber party cupcakes were going to turn out as well as they did; otherwise I'd have made them for the party. Instead, I made the cupcake cake and 8 slumber party cupcakes. M & A each ate one of the slumber party cupcakes after dinner, and we will put the rest on display tomorrow at the party. Meanwhile the cupcake cake is ready to go.

Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron came from NY tonight, and we had a pizza-and-salad dinner. Then we opened presents.

From us (in order of being opened): Cake Boss season 2 on DVD, a new magnetic dress-up kit, the Piggy and Bunny and Baby and Blanket 2009 blog book, Aqua Sand, Connect Four and a Science kit.

From Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron: Operation, Monopoly and Twister

From Grandma Sandy on Wednesday: Kismet and Oklahoma DVDs.

From Sarah and Rachel and Jonathan and Liz: A wonderful video from Sarah and a gift certificate to Amazon.com

The girls are c-l-e-a-n-i-n-g up.

Party setup is mostly done. We've got the tables ready and the cupcakes ready. I have a treasure hunt ready to go – 3 bags full of 10 things each that will be hidden in the backyard and front yard if the weather holds (things like: penny, marble, light bulb, crayon, battery, spoon, marshmallow, etc etc etc). We have face-painters coming tomorrow too – 2 14-year olds from the neighborhood.

Hope it all goes smoothly!

I will have lots of photos to post when I get them uploaded, as well as the video from this AM.

OH – Arts Night – all 5 kindergarten classes together sang three songs. It was cute but a little chaotic. I have video.

Most important – the girls had a fun birthday, I think. They love the cupcakes.


a says:

What lucky girls to have so many friends and relatives helping them celebrate their sixth birthday — and so many lovely gifts. Congratulations to them. Despite all of the celebration, cupcakes, gifts, party, etc, etc., they remain sweet and lovely. Mom and Dad did everyting right. Happy birthday M and A. I love you very much.
Hugs, kisses and love,
Aunt Ann

Aunt Darrah says:

Meant to say, those slumber party cupcakes are VERY impressive. Also, so sorry we haven’t sent the girl’s gifts yet. Coming soon…

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