Happy Anniversary to Mikey and Christina!

A has developed a cold and had a terrible night of sleep last night. Both of us slept in her bed with her at various points and Daddy brought her into our bed this AM and had her sleep on his chest like she did when she was a baby.

After nap today, she said that her ear hurt. So after work I took her (and M) to Nighttime Pediatrics in Rockville to get her ears checked out. She does not have an ear infection. But it made for a very late night. We got home around 9:20 and then they had a snack, so no bath and a very late night. It’s 10:52 and they are still up, talking.

The best part of our night, though, was the visit from Christina at Nighttime Pediatrics! It was so nice to see her there – we are very grateful to her for coming to visit. The girls told her all about the circus and got to talk to (and hang up on) Mikey. I also would like to point out the shout-out to M and A on Christina’s blog today – very sweet!

Finally, we wish a very happy first anniverary to Mikey and Christina this weekend! It was one year ago this weekend that A had a tantrum and refused to walk down the aisle with M and instead screamed really loud in the back of the church where Christina and Mikey were about to get married.




Christina says:

It was such a nice surprise that you guys were in Rockville and I was so happy that I was able to see the girls…even though A was sick.

Anonymous says:

I hope A is all well by now. Give both M and A my love.

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