Happy Birthday Buppie!

We are back from New York!

What a weekend. The girls got to spend lots of time with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron, who babysat two nights in a row so Daddy and I could go to Daddy’s law school reunion. Grandma and Grandpa spent a lot of great time with the girls, and the girls miss them a lot already. In addition to babysitting they also took the girls to a puppet show in Central Park yesterday featuring our third favorite redhead, Pippi Longstocking, to a playground, and to the Natural History museum to see the dinosaurs. Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason also came to spend the day with them yesterday as well, which was a special treat.

Today we went to the Childen’s Museum on the UWS, which was pretty fun but a bit too crowded. Then we had another special treat – we stopped by Aunt Liz, Uncle Jon, and Sarah and Rachel’s house. Great to see them, even though it was only for a little while. And then we drove home (in record time thanks to high gas prices) and had dinner at Buppie’s house for her birthday! Aunt Tequila is also in town so she helped celebrate with us as well. Thanks to Buppie for making her own birthday dinner, which was delicious!

My favorite memory of the weekend is taking the girls on a long walk yesterday morning up Broadway. We window shopped, looked at the babies and dogs walking by, stopped and bought flip flops, bought Allie a dog treat at the pet store, and… best of all… took the subway! We walked to 86th Street, took the subway to 72nd, and then walked back up to 79th Street.

Overall the girls were great and had a really fun time in New York. We’re very proud of them.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A were such good troopers in New York. What a treat for them to be with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron who had such special things planned for the girls. It was wonderful for all of you to share Buppie’s birthday with the dinner she made.

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