Daddy came back from the DNC very early this morning so that he could celebrate his birthday here with us. It was a pretty uneventful day for him here, but we had dinner all together tonight and Daddy was able to come to M&A's annual checkup.
Everything looks fine with the girls. We decided not to do the HPV vaccine right now, but will do it in the next 6 months. A was extremely anxious about the shots while we were at the doctor – so much so that the nurse couldn't take her blood pressure because she was freaking out. She calmed down after we made the decision to postpone the shot. Serious needle anxiety.
We are now watching the DNC, where Daddy is headed back to tomorrow.
Here are some pics from tonight of Daddy opening his presents and eating the AMAZING cake that M made for him from scratch (cake and frosting).
ALSO, M pointed out that I featured the wrong backpack for N yesterday. I will take a photo of the one he chose when it arrives!