Happy Birthday Lucky!

Today is Lucky's birthday! I wish we could say that we did lots of great things for him, got him doggie ice cream, etc., but that would not be true. Instead, we got him a 32 point pit-hound mix who scares him and makes him very uneasy. Happy birthday Lucky!

Speaking of Maggie, she went outside today! A and N and I went outside and made lots of happy noise and she wanted to come out! She came in and out several times and tore around the backyard – she is VERY fast. She peed and pooped too. She also peed and pooped a lot inside too. Fun! Progress. We're still trying to decide whether she should stay with us or whether we should find her another home with a dog in it. 

N had today at home and goes back to in-person school tomorrow. Tomorrow is also A's last day of school before spring break. And M is in the home stretch too. 



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