Happy Boy

The girls do not have school on Monday or Tuesday next week, so they are embarking on a four-day weekend. Lucky girls. On tap this weekend: ballet in the morning, baseball practice at noon, and baseball game at the oh-so-convenient time of 5:30 PM on Saturday night.

Sunday – Sunday School, and the one that parents are supposed to go to as well. Not sure that will happen.

A is at the ballet tonight with Grandma Sandy- Le Corsaire. M is home with us and we did the following: practiced the piano, watched SNL, sent out birthday party invitations, and in a minute Daddy is going to teach her how to play backgammon.

ALSO – M did NOT win the Cirque de Lafayette t-shirt contest. Big bummer. Today after school we drove back to Lafayette so M could show me all of the finalists (hers was up on the board with them). I still liked hers best.

The little boy has a cold, or possibly allergies. But he is such a good sport and has been smiling all day despite not napping well. Here he is, smiling:


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