Happy Chaos

Today was a jam-packed, crazy, happy day. Lots of things going on.

First, it's Rosh Hashanah. Happy New Year! This morning, we went to the family service, which was fine. This is the last year that the girls go to the family service – next year they will be in the Grade 3-5 service. After services, the girls went to school. I had forgotten to write notes to their teachers saying that they would be late, so their teachers were happily surprised to see them when we showed up at 10.

Second, it's Daddy's and my 10 year anniversary! We will celebrate on Saturday night with a nice dinner at Restaurant Eve in Alexandria. For a gift for Daddy, I gave him… an iPad 2! Already loaded with a few apps and his Gmail account. I think he will like it and use it a lot.

Third, and most exciting of all, Bunky is here!! He is a very sweet, cute little beagle and he has been in our house for 4 1/2 hours as of now. He is calm and sweet, and (knock on wood) hasn't had any accidents in the house. We went for a nice walk after he got here, and he saw some dogs and was curious and a little meek around them. He hasn't had a poop yet but apparently only goes 2x/day. We've been showering him with lots of attention and he spent a lot of time tonight just sacked out on the couch with one of us petting him. He is right now eating a treat that I got him, in his little crate that he will sleep in. He seems very excited about the treat. The woman at the store said that it lasted her dog a whole week. We'll see how long it takes Bunky to get through it.

What a night! The girls got home from ballet at 8, they played with Bunky for a while, and Grandma was here (Grampy also came over to meet him), and then they did homework, and then we opened a ton of new clothes that arrived (from the ONLINE SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA) and opened A's Halloween costume, and at the end of all of that it was almost 10PM. What a crazy night.

We're still working on names for Bunky. M has made a list of possibilities and we are supposed to vote on them tomorrow. On the list: Charlie, Austin, S'mores, Cookie Dough, Blackjack, Patches, Pirate, Captain Fluff Ball, Trick or Treat, and iPad. For now he's still Bunky.

Grandma took some pics of Bunky, and I took a few with Daddy's NEW iPAD, so here are 3. More to come! He's just adorable.






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