Happy Father’s Day!! (And the Weekend by the Numbers)

Today is Father's Day. We celebrated by giving Daddy some cards and presents in the morning, and then seeing Mr. Popper's Penguins and having dinner with Nana and Grampy. A busy but relaxed Sunday and a great Father's Day!

Here is the weekend by los numeros:

Bar mitzvahs attended: 1 (Susan Toffler's son Alex)

Glow in the dark light sabres/cotton candy sticks obtained at bar mitzvah reception: 2

Movies seen: 1 – Mr. Popper's Penguins

Approximate number of minutes that M spent watching the movie: 15

Emergency vet appointments: 1, for Allie – not so good

Months' worth of homework filed away into binders: 3

Hours it took to file 3 months' worth of homework: 1.5

Hours spent at Bethesda pool: 1.25

Length taken off girls' hair at haircuts on Saturday: 1 inch each

Minutes A spent acting like a penguin after the movie: about 30

Diner breakfasts with Daddy: 1 (while I was at the bar mitzvah)

Dead fish in our tank: 1 (for those keeping track, we're now up to 3 dead fish)

Chapter books finished: 1 – Aunt Deb's favorite, Ozma of Oz

Days left of school: 1/2!

Here are a few pics from the weekend –

From the bar mitzvah - one of Daddy and me and one of good friends and loyal P&B&B&B readers Lisa and Kristen.

Toffler BM 003 

Toffler BM 002 

And here are the girls dressed up for Fancy Dress day last Friday:

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Fancydress day 005 

Fancydress day 009 

1 comment

a says:

Wow! The photos are beautiful. Mommy and Daddy look wonderful, and M and A are so lovely. It was a busy but great day for all the fathers in the family.
Aunt Ann

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