Happy 4th of July from Shohola PA! We've been having a very fun time at Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron's new house. We arrived here on Saturday and had a fun family dinner in a town about 40 minutes away called Goshen, NY. Yesterday, it rained most of the day, but we mostly hung out inside and then Daddy, M, A and I drove back to Goshen to check out a craft fair there. Not much was going on because of the weather, but the girls did manage to pick out two very cute headbands. When we got home, it had cleared up enough for the girls to go out for a canoe ride with Daddy.
Today the weather was much nicer. Daddy and I went for a run in the morning, and then we had a photographer come here for a series of family pictures. After pictures, it was into the lake for swimming and several hours of jumping on the neighbor's floating trampoline. The girls had so much fun on it – they jumped for hours. I had a lovely kayak ride around the lake.
Then we headed to town and had ice cream and candy from a cute store there, and explored the town a little bit.
Tonight was my night to make dinner (Darrah and Jason made dinner last night), so we came back and got dinner ready. After dinner, M, A and Olivia put on a little play. Showers, pie, etc. and it's now 10 and the girls are going to bed.
We were sad to miss our annual tradition of going to the Palisades parade, but we had a lovely holiday here.
Jason drove back to NY tonight because he is seeing patients this week. He is returning on Friday. Sadly, I am leaving here on Thursday to go to Park City, Utah to speak at a conference. I am excited for the conference but already sad to be leaving here early.
I have lots of pictures to share, but haven't uploaded them yet. Will do so soon!
One cute thing – another sign that the girls are getting older. When Daddy and I left to go running, the girls weren't up yet. We decided to leave them a note: "M&A: Daddy and I went running. I will be back at 9:30. Love, Mommy". The girls read the note when they woke up, they didn't freak out, and they were both playing nicely downstairs near Uncle Jason and Sydney when we got home. That is a big step!
Also, A has learned to take a shower and wash her own hair this week. She's been showering with Olivia – very cute.
OK, I am beat. More tomorrow!