I have so many Halloween  pics to share I don't even know where to start.

I have pictures of:

carving pumpkins

girls trying on their costumes


girls getting ready for their Halloween parade

Halloween parade

class parties

pre-Trick or Treating

I will post a few every day. We had a great night of Trick or Treating. The girls got lots of loot, and it was a fun night to be out. Lots of kids and parents we know, and a bustling, crowded neighborhood. We LOVE living where we do, and tonight just underscored it. One great surprise – there was one house that seemed to have tons of kids swarming it. M and A went up to the porch, and were there for a while. M came running back to us, very excited – it was her teacher's house! We had no idea she lived so close to the school.

Thank you to Grandma Sandy for minding the fort and passing out candy.

And now… some pictures. Lots more to come.

A's pumpkin:

Halloweeen prep 001

My pumpkin:

Halloweeen prep 002

M's pumpkin:

Halloweeen prep 005

Daddy's pumpkin:

Halloweeen prep 018

Our pumpkin carving station, complete with M's hand washing process:

Halloweeen prep 006

Halloweeen prep 009

Halloweeen prep 013

Halloweeen prep 016

Halloweeen prep 023

Halloween Parade 008

Halloween Parade 014

So many more cute ones to post later this week.



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