Happy Halloween!

Today was Halloween. Overall, a big success. (Scary) Clifford and (Scary) Dinosaur had a good evening, hauling in a lot of loot from the ‘hood. We started out with Buppie at a celebration in our neighborhood commercial district. All of the stores were giving out candy. We saw lots of kids from M&A’s class and other people from the neighborhood that we hadn’t seen in a while. It felt like a real community. Lots of cute costumes too.

Home for a quick bite to eat, then Christina and Mikey came over, which of course the girls loved. Then came Peyton and Frank and Addie and Sam, and it was off for trick-or-treating. The girls were scared of trick-or treating last year but really got into it this year. They walked up to houses on their own, rang the doorbell, and said "thank you" after they got candy. Grampy joined us for the first half of the trick-or-treating, which was a special treat.

We made it up and down one long block that’s filled with houses with kids, and then we did our little block. That took about an hour. Buppie graciously stayed home and gave out candy. We got more trick-or-treaters than last year and went through a shocking amount of candy.

But enough of my blather. Here are the pics:

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Christina says:

i don’t know who had a better time…mikey or the girls. 🙂

Anonymous says:

It was great reading about M and A’s Halloween “trick or treating” adventure. Such fun. Takes me back to — too many years ago. Love the pictures too. Thank you.

Daddy says:

Logging in from Sudan as soon as possible to see pictures of my girls! I’m so sad I missed Halloween, and especially Scary Clifford and Scary Dinosaur. Hopefully the girls will give a special repeat performance of the costumes when I see them again on Sat. Can’t wait!! Love you all.

Rachel says:

Dear Aunt Gayle
That sounded like a very scary halloween. Did you hear about what my dad was for Halloween? HE WAS HANNAH MONTANA! So i was downstairs playing american idol with my neigbor amalia witch you probaly heard of before, and so my dad called my name ” Rachel Im very dissipointed in you.” ” Its a mess up there that nobody in the house did but you.” I couldn’t see him completely yet. Oh i forgot to tell you. It was on Halloween evening. So when i saw him completly i almost screemed. He had lipstick on and a dress on and coconut braws and tights. And the worst part was when his shirt said Hannah montana on it. That was the scariest part.
xoxoxxoxoxo Rachel

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