It's here! The day of the long-planned dance party has finally arrived. YAY!
I got up early and made two batches of cupcakes, and then headed out for some errands (more frosting, some balloons, more goody bags). When I got home, Daddy was making pancakes for a Mother's Day breakfast. Grandma Sandy came over and joined us, which was a good thing for many reasons, not the least of which was that she and Grandma Dina helped me frost the microphone cupcakes. Not sure how I would have managed to frost all 27 in time without their help. Thank you, Grandmas! Daddy came up with an ingenious way to transport the cupcakes to the party without them falling over (see below). A great team effort.
When the girls got back from sunday school, they got into their birthday finery and we headed over to the Lawton Community Center. M&A helped me set up for the party, and then the FunFit instructors came and got their dance stuff ready. It was then 3PM, and girls started streaming into the sunny room. The party was a big hit – lots of laughter and fun and running around. Microphone cupcakes were a hit too – even the food coloring that got all over everyone's faces. I have TONS of photos from the party – here are some of them, plus some videos.
After the party we came home and opened presents. What a haul!
Then it was off to Mother's Day dinner at Arucola with Grandma Sandy. We sat outside and the girls mostly played on the little rides outside the diner, which they are way too old for.
I had a lovely, if exhausting, Mother's Day. Got some very cute cards which I will scan in later this week. I was so tired after dinner that I fell asleep in my bed at 9PM, then woke up at 9:45 and fell asleep for good about a half an hour later. What a weekend!
Party looks amazing – congrats on making it through.
Happy Birthday M & A! Glad you were well celebrated throughout the weekend! 🙂
What a GREAT party, and both of you, M and A, deserve the very best.
Happy birthday!
Aunt Ann
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