Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving today at Grandma Sandy's today with Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron, and Aunt Tequila. The food was delicious and the dinner was a lot of fun. Added bonuses: Amy and Griffin came by for dessert, and the girls performed some pieces on the piano that they had memorized. We're all tired but we had a really fun time.

Lots of cooking today, and I ran a 10k this morning so I am beat!

Today I am posting some fun videos from the last few weeks.

A's interpretive dance inspired by songs from N's exersaucer:


A encouraging N to roll over:


M doing her morning announcement with Emily, about what they are thankful for:


The girls' Halloween parade:



N in his Bumbo seat:


And my favorite: N in his jumper:



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