Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today is Valentine's Day. A passed out sugar dip packages to her classmates and M picked peace sign hologram valentines and put glitter initials on each one (with the recipient's initial on it). They also gave their teachers heart-shaped boxes of chocolates.

This morning the girls got valentines from us and some small boxes of chocolates. They also got valentines from their grandparents which they will open tonight.

In other exciting news, we went to the eye doctor this morning to pick up A's new glasses. She loves them! Here are some pics of her in the new glasses, as well as the case. She asked me to include the case in the photos.




En route to the doctor's office, A was being very entertaining. Then she said to me, "These 5 minutes in the car with you have been the best five minutes of my life." AWWWWW.

Meanwhile, here is what the little boy has been up to…

Enjoying his sweet ride:


Getting excited for the bath (sorry so blurry – bathroom isn't that bright)"


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