Hawaii Part 2

It has been a while since I posted, and we've done a lot! We are getting up very early tomorrow so this will sadly have to be a short post. I am beat.

We had a great four days in Poipu. We stayed at the Grand Hyatt, which is a gorgeous hotel with a huge pool complex. We left the hotel a bunch of times – first to go to a beach north of the airport and then to go to a beach closer to the hotel. We loved the first one, because it had a protected cove and we could do some snorkeling. The second one was rougher (and very hot) and N doesn't like the waves. So we cut that visit a little shorter. 

We also spent lots of time at the pools at the hotel, just hanging by the pool and lazy river. N is now floating along by himself in a floatie and is more comfortable with the water just in the short time we've been here.

We had some nice meals outside the Hyatt, including at The Beach House, where Daddy came as a kid. We got there just before sunset and took some outdoor pics before having dinner. 

We even stopped today at the Kauai County Fair, which was taking place right outside the airport.

Many kudos to the girls, who have been just wonderful with their brother. They are encouraging, patient, enthusiastic and loving with him. When we need them to watch N, they do. They distract him if he's getting upset, and they have an eye out for him. They are just wonderful.

And N has been great too. We've had some long days, but he has slept well and napped when he could. He has sat nicely at dinner tables (for the most part) and enjoyed the activities I brought for him. He was uninterested in the water at first but yesterday he wore a floatie and kicked around by himself.

We left Poipu this morning and drove up north to Princeville. We're now at the Westin, which isn't as nice as the Hyatt but will be a great home base for us for 2 more days. Tomorrow we are waking up VERY early to drive to the western part of the Island and take a 5 hour boat trip up the Na Pali coast. Supposed to be amazing. 

Our sunset view en route to dinner tonight was one of the most gorgeous I've ever seen.

There are a ton of pics – here are just a few from my phone:

The Hyatt, just before we left.


View from breakfast this AM:


N before dinner last night. We love the Nats even when they stink.


Sunset at the Beach House:


Waiting to get our rental car tire inflated:


The lobby of the Hyatt:




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