Head of the Year

Here are some of the things we did since I blogged last Thursday:

  • Became "junior flu flighters" by getting Flu Mist at the doctor's office.
  • Had a playdate with Abigail.
  • Went to the family service for Rosh Hashanah and saw Mommy on the bimah.
  • Went to ballet class.
  • Went to lunch at Buppie's.
  • Did lots of art projects at home.
  • Did lots of homework at home (coloring in a book about kindergarten and working on math/counting).
  • Woke up several times at night!
  • Had delicious pancakes from scratch that Daddy made.
  • Went to a cool dinosaur show at the Verizon Center.
  • Played wtih cool UFO flying toys outside.
  • Had a yummy dinner with Frank and Peyton and Addie and Sam.

The girls were just as adorable as always. M is loving her missing teeth. A seems to be getting a cold. They fell asleep in 3 minutes tonight. Back to school tomorrow.

Happy new year!


Debbie says:

I get exhausted just reading your blog!

a says:

All of you certainly had a busy time. Thanks for the update. I wish all of you L’Shana Tova.
Aunt Ann

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