Hello TMG

I have some very entertaining videos to post, but they were taking so long to upload that my whole wireless connection ground to a halt. I’ll try to upload them tomorrow morning when I don’t have a million other things to do on the Internet.

To my TMG readers: I want you to know that M&A talk about you all the time. Last night, we were talking about chocolate, which I can’t eat. They started asking me about who at TMG likes chocolate. They remember everyone they’ve met, even if it was just for a minute. The conversation went like this:

M: How about Christina?

Me: Yes, Christina likes chocolate.

M: How about Lisa?

Me: Yes, I’ve seen Lisa eat chocolate at breakfast!

A: How about Patrick?

Me: I *think* Patrick likes chocolate.

A: And Chanelle?

Me: I think Chanelle likes chocolate too.

M: What about Susan?

Me: Susan likes chocolate OK, but she likes a lot of other candy a lot more.

A: Who else is there? What about Gloria?

Me: Yes, Gloria likes chocolate.

M: What about the man who works next to you?

Me: Len?

M: Yes, Len.

Me: Yes, Len likes chocolate.


Me: Yes, Kelly likes chocolate.

I am not kidding, this is exactly how the conversation went. No prompting from me.


Daddy says:

And better yet, when Mommy wearied of this conversation and went downstairs, M&A asked Daddy to stick around for another round of cuddling, at which point they started in: “How come we don’t know any of your friends at YOUR office? Who are YOUR friends? What are they like? Are they nice? Are they girls? Are they tall? Do THEY like chocolate?” etc etc. Either unbelievably curious, or procrastinating on going to sleep, or most likely, both!

Anonymous says:

Daddy’s comments are really cute. Tell the girls that Aunt Ann likes chocolate too.

Len says:

Please tell M&A that “the man who works next to you” really doesn’t like chocolate….he LOVES it.

I do like Chocolate sometimes- but I like ice cream more.

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